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Michael P. D'Alessandro, M.D.
Peer Review Status: Internally Peer Reviewed
Clinical History:
This was a 15 month old female who had been losing weight for 3
months and now had a two day history of respiratory distress.
Clinical Physical Exam:
The child was in mild respiratory distress.
Clinical Labs:
Clinical Differential Diagnosis:
Thoracic mass lesion
Imaging Findings:
An outside chest film from the day of diagnosis revealed a large left
posterior mediastinal mass, which was confirmed on an outside chest
CT exam from the same date. An ultrasound guided biopsy of the mass
and drainage of the left effusion was performed one day later (not
provided) using a 15 gauge biopsy gun. Frozen section showed
neuroblastoma. A bone scan and a skeletal survey from one day later
after the biopsy were negative for metastatic disease (not provided).
An MRI exam of the chest performed 3 weeks after initial diagnosis
showed the left adrenal gland was the organ of origin of the mass.
Imaging Differential Diagnosis:
Operative Findings:
The patient underwent 2 cycles of chemotherapy without response.
Seven weeks after the initial diagnosis she underwent a left
thoracotomy through a thoracoabdominal incision. The tumor was
adherent posteriorly to the chest wall and spine and was seen to be
entering the tenth through twelfth neural foramina. The tumor was
also adherent to the diaphragm and could be felt going through the
diaphragm into the retroperitoneum. The tumor was resected in block.
Pathological Findings:
Examination of the surgical specimen revealed it to be tan, measuring
12 x 10 x 5 cm in size. There were focal areas of hemorrhage and
Final Diagnosis:
Neuroblastoma, Posterior Mediastinal
Follow-up and Prognosis:
The patient had an uncomplicated post-operative course.
Similar Cases:
Case 32,
Case 35,
Case 36,
Case 42,
Case 70
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Virtual Pediatric Hospital is funded in whole by Donna M. D'Alessandro, M.D. and Michael P. D'Alessandro, M.D. Advertising is not accepted.
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