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Michael P. D'Alessandro, M.D.
Peer Review Status: Internally Peer Reviewed
Clinical History:
The patient was a newborn term female who on a routine prenatal
ultrasound performed at 38 weeks was noted to have a round echogenic
mass in the left posterior mediastinum.
Clinical Physical Exam:
Clinical Labs:
Urine vanillylmandelic acid (VMA) was elevated.
Clinical Differential Diagnosis:
Imaging Findings:
A chest film from the first day of life showed the mass to be in the
posterior mediastinum on the left. An MRI exam from the second day of
life showed the mass to have intraspinal extension. A chest CT exam
from the 3rd day of life showed the mass to be calcified and
compromising the airway.
Imaging Differential Diagnosis:
Neuroblastoma, ganglioneuroblastoma, ganglioneuroma
Operative Findings:
A bone marrow biopsy returned normal cells. Several weeks after birth
the mass was surgically biopsied and then resected. The resection
included a foraminotomy to remove the intraspinous extension.
Unfortunately the tumor was quite adherent to the left subclavian
artery and chest wall and could not be completely removed.
Pathological Findings:
Pathological examination of the surgical specimen revealed findings
characteristic for ganglioneuroblastoma.
Final Diagnosis:
Neuroblastoma, Posterior Mediastinal
Follow-up and Prognosis:
An MRI exam done at 8 weeks of life showed recurrent / residual mass
at the original tumor site. A body CT exam from 9 weeks of life
showed diffuse hepatic metastases. The patient underwent
chemotherapy, without much success.
Similar Cases:
Case 35,
Case 36,
Case 42,
Case 70
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