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Virtual Pediatric Hospital: Thoracopaedia: An Imaging Encyclopedia of Pediatric Thoracic Disease: Case 46 Thoracopaedia: An Imaging Encyclopedia of Pediatric Thoracic Disease

Case 46

Michael P. D'Alessandro, M.D.
Peer Review Status: Internally Peer Reviewed

Chief Complaint:
Eight year old male with right scapular and right chest pain

Clinical History:
The patient was an 8 year old male who developed right scapular and right chest pain.

Clinical Physical Exam:

Clinical Labs:

Clinical Differential Diagnosis:
Musculoskeletal injury

Imaging Findings:
Chest films showed a large right sided pleural based mass that was confirmed on a chest CT exam.

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Imaging Differential Diagnosis:
Askin Tumor

Operative Findings:
The patient was taken electively to the operating room and the mass, three ribs, and a small amount of lung were resected.

Pathological Findings:
Pathological examination of the surgical specimen showed a malignant small round cell tumor involving one rib, the adjacent soft tissues, the parietal pleura, and the lung. The findings were characteristic for a Ewing Sarcoma.

Final Diagnosis:
Ewing Sarcoma, Chest Wall (Askin Tumor)

Follow-up and Prognosis:
The patient had an uncomplicated post-operative course.

Similar Cases:
Case 15, Case 18, Case 27, Case 67, Case 68, Case 69


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