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Michael P. D'Alessandro, M.D.
Peer Review Status: Internally Peer Reviewed
Clinical History:
The patient was a 1 month old male who was noted to have increased
respiratory rates and contractions.
Clinical Physical Exam:
Respiratory distress.
Clinical Labs:
Clinical Differential Diagnosis:
Infection versus lung lesion.
Imaging Findings:
Nuclear medicine, chest CT exam, and chest films showed a lesion in
the right lung.
Imaging Differential Diagnosis:
Congenital lobar emphysema versus congenital pulmonary airway malformation
Operative Findings:
Two weeks after the chest CT exam the patient had an elective
thoracotomy. The right middle lobe was emphysematous and a right
middle lobectomy was performed.
Pathological Findings:
The mass was 10 x 7 x 3 cm in size. Dysplastic lung parenchyma with
emphysematous changes consistent with lobar emphysema and features of
polyalveolar lobe were found. Pathological Diagnosis: Congenital
Lobar Emphysema, Right Middle Lobe
Follow-up and Prognosis:
The patient had an uncomplicated post-operative course. A routine
chest film obtained two months postoperatively suggested a right
upper quadrant calcification, and an ultrasound was performed to rule
out neuroblastoma and was negative.
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