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Michael P. D'Alessandro, M.D.
Peer Review Status: Internally Peer Reviewed
There are three ways for the baby to acquire a neonatal pneumonia.
First is infection acquired prior to birth by an ascending route or
transplacental route. Classically this is Group B Streptococcus in
the mother's vagina which passes to the infant during birth,
particularly in cases with prolonged rupture of membranes and
prolonged labor. Other normal inhabitants of the birth canal - staph,
strep, diphtheroids, anaerobes, E. coli and Listeria - are other
pathogens that may cause neonatal pneumonia. Second is infection
acquired by aspiration during delivery, with the pathogens remaining
the same. Third is via infection acquired after birth.
There is a less uniform distribution of hyaline membranes in
collapsed alveoli than is seen in hyaline membrane disease. There are
cocci in the alveolar membrane and in the interstitial inflammatory
Imaging Findings:
Ascending infection may resemble hyaline membrane disease very
closely, especially in smaller infants. Most commonly seen are
extensive granular confluent infiltrates whose distribution is often
less uniform than that of hyaline membrane disease.
There is less atelectasis than in hyaline
membrane disease. May have pleural fluid and a normal lung volume,
further distinguishing factors from hyaline membrane disease.
Infection acquired perinatally often has a confluent miliary or
nodular pattern that looks like meconium aspiration or transient
tachypnea of the newborn while postnatally acquired infection often
has a patchy more asymmetric pattern that looks like infection in
older children.
See References Chapter.
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