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Correlapaedia - a Correlative Encyclopedia of Pediatric Imaging, Surgery, and Pathology
Clinical History:
The patient was a female diagnosed in utero with a diaphragmatic hernia on prenatal ultrasound. The patient was delivered at full term. She developed respiratory distress at birth requiring placement on a ventilator, that progressively worsened, eventually requiring placement onto extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO).
Clinical Physical Exam:
The patient had a profound respiratory distress.
Clinical Labs:
Clinical Differential Diagnosis:
Diaphragmatic hernia
Imaging Findings:
Chest film from the first day of life showed complete opacification of the left lung and a right pneumothorax.
Imaging Differential Diagnosis:
Diaphragmatic hernia.
Operative Findings:
The patient underwent an operative repair of her diaphragmatic defect on the seventh day of life. A large defect on the left diaphragm was found which required a 5 x 7 cm Gore-Tex patch to cover.
Follow-up and Prognosis:
Postoperatively the patient did not show any improvement in her respiratory status. On postoperative day 9, the patient was removed from ECMO and ventilatory support and allowed to expire. A post mortem examination was performed.
Pathological Findings:
Post mortem examination showed the left and right lungs to be marked hypoplastic.
Final Diagnosis:
Diaphragmatic Hernia, Bochdalek, Left-sided
Similar Cases:
Case 8,
Case 11,
Case 17,
Case 22
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