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Virtual Pediatric Hospital: CQQA: Antibiotics and Kids

Common Questions, Quick Answers: Pediatrics

Antibiotics and Kids

Donna D'Alessandro, M.D.
Susan Kinzer, M.P.H.

First Published: March 2004
Last Revised: March 2004
Peer Review Status: Internally Reviewed

Common Questions, Quick Answers

What are antibiotics?

What kinds of germs make your child sick?

How do antibiotics work?

When are antibiotics needed?

What should I do if my child needs an antibiotic?

What is bacterial resistance?

How can I help prevent bacterial resistance?

What are possible side effects of antibiotics?

What are the signs of a severe reaction to the antibiotic?

Call your doctor at once if your child has one of these reactions:

When should I call the doctor?

Quick Answers


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